To take a crap in the tank of someone's toilet and not flush afterwards. When the next person flushes your crap comes rushing into the bowl all broken apart. A lot will clog in the top. This is mean.
It was my last day of work, and a friday to I left an upper-decker in the men's room.
by Anonymous April 11, 2003
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To take a crap in the top section of one's toilet so that when it is flushed, poo water flows back into the bowl.
Every a-hole deserves an upper decker!
by King Flump April 11, 2003
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Urinating into the Upper Deck of the toilet. A spin-off the highly under-rated Upper Decker.
"Dude I just pulled an Golden Decker on this asshat, for being such a douche nozzle"
by IPeeFreely June 22, 2008
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An incredibly beautiful swimsuit model. She graces the cover of Sports Illustrated's "Swimsuit Edition" for 2010.
Guy #1 - "Who is Brooklyn Decker?"
Guy #2 - "She is Andy Roddick's future ex-wife."
by Gregory House, M.D. March 5, 2010
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The act of removing the upper lid to a home toilet. leaving an imense amount of defacation inside. the next customer will go and then flush your shit into the bowl, repeatedly.
while in ohio, the clarion hotel wouldnt give us a room because we werent 21, so ryan anson gave them an upper decker
by friend July 31, 2003
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When you take a dump in the back seat of your ex's Prius
My ex left me because I wouldn't compost our trash... so I left her an ECO DECKER. That Prius was my composter.
by Eco Dexter December 29, 2010
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When you take a crap in the tank of someones toilet instead of the bowl. Most often done to a sworn enemy or to your best friend.
I pinched one off in the upper deck. He'll have fun cleaning that out!
by Helvis September 16, 2003
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