A ugly ass 13 year old who has dated over 30 boys who are older than he she is alwas using potoshop and showing her non existent ass and tries to belly dance but instead she looks like a warm that is about to die she has a new boyfriend every week , she also always talks shit about all of her ex boyfriends also she a thot and her mom always lies about her not photoshoping when se clearly does also if you want to laugh a little about her photoshoping you should follow he ugly ass byeeee hoes
Her: eww did you see that girl bellydancing

Other girl: yah she is such a danielle cohn
by Salsaaaaaaaabye June 29, 2018
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some twelvie that insists she is 15, dates MEN, and wears bras as shirts. she is a hoe
bob: dude what are u watching, is that a twerk vid-

jack: nah man it’s danielle cohn, she can’t even twerk lol
by santasreal October 20, 2019
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A girl who smell like sweat and rubber bands with a dash of hot ass and photoshops cuz She a damn 12 year old catfish .
by FreemyniggaAce August 23, 2018
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12 year old thot who doesn’t know what shirts are and unfortunately doesn’t know her age
by Joshlerandmel August 21, 2018
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A dumb bitch who is a thot and is a fucking child.She cant belly dance gets anew boyfriend every 4 months to sum it up shes a thot,bitch,ass,and a damn piece of shit😇
friend:hey you know Danielle Cohn

Me:you the Queen thot yes
by Alani Anderson May 12, 2019
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13 years old that does not act her age (lies about her age), wears crop tops, and her pussy is always showing even when its clothed.

also shs claims to be pregnant so she can become more relevant lmao.
danielle cohn is pregnant
danielle is lying about her age
by AlretUltraviolence April 16, 2019
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