1. A woman who has multiple sexual desires for other men

2. A married or a woman in a relationship who has many sexual desires for other men and not her husband or boyfriend

3. A Croatian hooker
Have you heard? Katerino is such a Croatian Whore.

Mia is such a Croatian Whore
by TheFirstAlbinoShaq June 22, 2022
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When a sporting event (usually NFL or CFL football) is tied at 23.
The Seahawks made it Croatian Handcuffs in the 4th Quarter. The referees decided to give the game to the 49’rs for Christmas.
by HogtownMickey December 17, 2018
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got to stay fresh gotta stay fly too bad i dont have a job to get by
son get off the croatian sensation
by marriot April 12, 2008
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Both men and women (of both hetero and homo orientation) participate the Croatian Roulette , and they hide their faces with masks. One of the orgy attendees is infected with HIV, but no one knows who that person is.

Infected guest has to pay equal attention to everyone, and after the "party" every attendee goes to test himself/herself. Creator of the game explains that the point of the game is adrenaline, much like Russian roulette, with exception that it doesn't kill instantly, unlike its Russian counterpart.
Niko Bellic walks into the party expecting something completely different than what he sees.... Men and women in an orgy with masks on, they explain to him that they are playing something called Croatian Roulette . Afterwards, everyone leaves and begins to make appointments with their doctors... Niko has a bad feeling.
by Idontlikecroatianpigs January 31, 2011
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To strip naked in a public washroom and proceed to wash yourself in a stall with toilet water, using a urinal cake as soap.
Man bro I'm so dirty right now you need to stop at this rest stop so I can take a Croatian bath.
by Tat2d Deville November 29, 2014
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A sexual act which involves a male and a female, completely naked. They begin on opposite sides of a room and begin to run towards each other at top speed while they simultaneously leap into the air and spread their legs which then the male attempts to penetrate his ding dong into the female crevis. If performed perfectly (rarely happens), then the Croatian Flesh Joust is a unimaginable sensation.
I went to the bar last night and picked up some chick who was totally wasted. I was feeling risky so I decided to try the Croatian Flesh Joust on this girl, i miserably failed and now my ding dong has been hurting for the past two weeks... Never again.
by Croatian1111 January 23, 2014
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Every girl's dream, no woman should die without experiencing the endless thrill and pleasure that the CTT provides. Only three ingredients are necessary: One Croatian male, one muscular uncontrollable tongue and one taco (aka vagina). After compiling these three ingredients your next move should be lowering your face to meet the taco while whipping your tongue around in a tornado-like motion (hopefully exceeding speeds of 88 mph) Then just listen and enjoy the moans... the groans... the "Oh god"'s and finally the "let's do THAT again".
guy 1: Yo man did you hear what Sime did last night to Bethany?
guy 2: Dude... I know... he totally hooked her up with the Croatian Taco Tornado!!
guy 1: Oh yeah that... well he also ate my butt hole later that night.
by Charliesheen3 July 15, 2011
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