Similar to the 'carpet muncher' but different in a sense that someone called 'cunt chomper' is dirty and bull dikish :s
Rosie Odonell is a cunt chomper :P
by Landawg September 16, 2006
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a person who chews there pills,or basically chomps on them;
dont be a pill chomper

and swallow you pills:
by CuppyCakes:] November 9, 2009
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A man, typically between the age of 20-30, who enjoys and participates in chomping (the act of filling ones mouth full of pubic bush and repeatedly biting but, but not to remove or bite off hair) grandmothers.
Person #1- My friend Aaron is going to that ederly home an awful lot, do you think he's a granny chomper?

Person #2- If you mean he's chomping on granny pubes, then yes. You can see some white hair between his teeth.
by Angelo Dundee August 24, 2010
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guy 1: i got sick bj last night
guy 2: me too, from a chick called tiana
guy 1: oh no she is epic sluz, she also blew me... what a penis chomper
by pillie May 16, 2009
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1. One who chomps on hairy gouch.
2. To cut someone's gouch hairs with teeth in a grinding motion.
1. Choney is a cum gusling gouch chomper.
2. I just gouch chomped stacy's huge gumdrop forest.
by dfkldsjfdslkfjdfiujfdf;sdijfd December 14, 2007
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Jeff's a chode chomper, he sucks joes cock!
by HeAb November 11, 2003
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An over the top camp guy, who u know takes it up the ass.
'Look at that queer over there, i bet hes a right pillow chomper'
by FlashJunkie January 25, 2008
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