When you donโ€™t take the queen in a game of chess even though the opportunity is obvious. Done out of ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘๐‘’๐‘๐‘ for women.
Term first coined by the Trash Taste podcast, when they held their chess tournament arc.
Chess Noob: โ€œWhy didnโ€™t they take the queen?โ€
Chess Expert: โ€œMy child, theyโ€™re a chess simp.โ€
Chess Noob: โ€œAh, I see.โ€
by The Peanuts King August 25, 2020
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You play a full game of chess while masturbating, if you cum before the match has ended you auto resign. Unless you manage to knock over the enemy king with your ejaculate. The person that loses the match has drink the winners cum and will not be allowed to finish / cum.
Yesterday I played cum chess with your dad, it was pretty fun.
Did you hear about John he had to drink Nick's cum after losing a game of chess.
AAAhhueeem I got blue balled after losing chess yesterday.
by ChessConnoisseur January 10, 2021
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a chess player that attacks without strategy, attacking irrelevant pieces with no actual thought of winning the game
I was playing chess with August yesterday, when he took my pawn, I realized he plays Nigger Chess.
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The act of chanting, singing, recitation you make in the course of a chess game (usually in fun blitz chess and Bullet Chess Formats) just to motivate oneself to win.
John enjoys chess incantation when playing blitz chess.

Don't distract me with your chess incantation.

Chess Incantation spurs me to win more online chess games.
by FawolizzoChess April 10, 2020
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Chess player who hang out in parks, mainly in New York City, talk a ton of trash, some may cheat and may play for small amounts of money.
Be carefull with that chess hustler, he's a sly one.
by Iberia February 29, 2016
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A noob chess player who had never mated anyone.
Cocky player: "you're so bad at this. You must be a chess virgin"
Opponent: *cries inside*
by Inhaledeeply December 17, 2013
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Commonly played by drunken fraternity boys in the mid eighties, extreme chess has only become mainstream in the last 2-3 years. Every time you take an opponents piece, you are allowed one closed fisted hit anywhere on that opponents face, while remaining seated. Players must always alternate striking hands, and achieving a "check" allows for two blows. God forbid you shoule be worked into "check mate", because that attracts the afformentioned double blow, however from a standing position to inflict maximum degradation.
After having a few drinks with the lads..."Hey guys, lets have a game of extreme chess!!"....."Fuck that man, I'm not that drunk, lets play Russian Roulette instead"
by G-Train August 2, 2005
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