A group of people that are just a bunch of twat waffles who need to grow a pair because they're to sensitive.
Twat waffle #1: "omg. That cartoon hurt my feelings because it was a cartoon."

Twat waffle #2: "omg. We should totally cancel it"

Twat waffle #1: "I feel better now that my kids can grow up being a bunch of sensitive whiny little bitchs. Thanks to cancel culture."
by TheGreatestPersonYoullMeet March 11, 2021
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It's basically this whole Twitter phenomen of people "cancelling" others, specially celebrities. They usually dig onto their pasts until they find something that looks bad with context or without it (usually without it). Some examples are: people bringing that a celeb said the n-word when they were 13 or some dumb joke that used to be aceptable back then, but now is considered offensive, old tweets, clips (usually that have been altered) of them doing or saying something without context. Cancel culture totally ignores the fact that people can learn and grow from their mistakes if wanted.

Some examples of people who have been cancelled on the Internet are; Laura Lee, Manny MUA, Onision, Romeo Lacoste, etc...
+Did you see those Romeo Lacoste texts?
-Yeah dude, how disgusting of him to take advantage of underage girls. He's so cancelled.

Friend 1: (random person) is soo cancelled omg. Did you see what they said back in 2010?
Friend 2: Umm... Literally what? I get what you say, but they act so different now and are ashamed of those jokes. You know people do change right? I swear cancel culture is getting out of hands.
Friend 3: Dumb bitches ruined cancel culture. **Stares into friend 2's eyes intensely** You is dumb bitches.
by Pedroelmono March 20, 2019
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A bunch of entitled internet idiots who yell “cancelled” to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. This group of people usually doesn’t have any actual logic or reasons they just use “🤡” “💀” and think they won the argument. These people have no lives and are seen attacking celebrities for something they did or said YEARS ago and hold them accountable or demand apology. these people are controlling and very judgemental. They dont realize that people can CHANGE and grow.
Idiot 1: “Oh my god did you hear that shawn mendez tweeted “I hate gays” YEARS ago?
Idiot: “oh my god hes HoMopHoBic he is CANCELLED lets destroy his career”

This is cancel culture
by Guitarheropapi September 12, 2019
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A group of no life individuals whose only purpose is to pray for the downfall of anybody that's famous that makes the tiniest of mistakes. Usually these Neanderthals are found on Twitter
Ex: My favorite celebrity got cancelled because he had made a joke on Twitter and now the cancel culture is after him
by shortcircuit27 December 2, 2020
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90s/2000s kids that turned into Degenerates pro left wing who think everything is ruininh their life they have to destroy it. Ie; Robert e Lee statue, uncle Ben's Rice, land o lakes, aunt Jemima, etc. Who raised these kids.
Hey man you heard of cancel culture?

Oh those imbeciles? Unbelievable
by Psycho death metal August 14, 2023
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Attempting to ruin someone’s life just because they don’t share the same opinion.
Jade: “I’m gonna use cancel culture on that guy, because i think everyone else should agree with me and that makes me sad if they don’t!”
Olivia: “k”
by Zoetropper July 13, 2020
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Any excuse good enough to cancel someone's contract early. Howard Stern, Don Imus several other stand-up comedians and even Morton Downey jr have said enough racist, sexist and bigoted comments that easily would have had them removed off the air today. Yet for some reason then it was ok, I guess because people then didn't pretend that there was no 1st amendment?

As far as the Dixie Chicks are concerned, they lost their contract because they catered to the people who put George W. into office and their fan base dropped them. Look at Kanye, he supported Trump and low and behold virtually most his flock left him.

Many of you should take heed of this because essentially large corporations as was predicted are now over shadowing the first amendment and pretty soon if you make a comment that's not offensive but they don't agree well your in tyranny.
If Charlie Sheen said something offensive in the new millennium, it wouldn't have mattered because two and a half men had such high ratings cancel culture wouldn't have been a factor.

Aaron Rogers shouldn't have to apologize to anyone. Really you going to let cancel culture going to fire Aaron Rogers.
by stainless67 March 30, 2022
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