When you cut a whole in the bottom of a popcorn bag and stick you penis through it.. Fill it back up with popcorn. And there is your buttery bird.
I gave my wife a butter bird last night at the movies. She wasnt happy about it, but in the end she liked it..

Check out How to Make a Buttery Bird on Break.com.
by Toast Face Killa February 15, 2010
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The resulting creamy mustache from going down on a girl with a yeast infection.

A distant cousin of the Dirty Sanchez.
I didn't know she had a yeast infection, until I looked in the mirror and realized she'd given me a Buttery Mexican.
by Judith B Tinklewater December 13, 2009
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When a man is penetrating a woman from behind, and during the heat of the moment proceeds to lick the sweat running down her back from the crack up.
Dude, I was slamming your sister doggy-style last night and gave her a real salty buttery wisconsin.
by chunkofcreature July 1, 2011
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why hello, would you like to indulge in popping a delicious bag of buttery air?
by Becky Hicks October 25, 2007
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When you hear the expression that somebody has 'buttery teeth', it most likely will mean that they have obserdly yellow teeth. You might even hear the term, cheddar teeth. Which is basically the same thing.
'Damn, look at that bitch's "buttery teeth" OR
'Holy shit, shes gotta enough cheese on them teeth to feed a homeless shelter!'
by sheabadbitch June 10, 2009
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A known skateboarding term used as an adjective to describe someone with amazingly good style. Someone with buttery steeze can pop a kickflip down el toro and make it look like they didn't even try, or don't care at all. Usually having "Steeze" (Style + Ease) involves not really moving your arms at all when doing a trick, which is incredibly difficult. Being "Buttery" is really just being an overall baller or boss and rolling away with no tick-tacks and giving a homie a high five on the way out. Strangely, most of the people in the skateboarding world that have Buttery Steeze are usually black, not sure why. Theyre just overall more baller than white people, i guess.
L'twanio: Yo, main, did you see that guy pop that kickflip down el toro? He made it look easier than making a fat guy get all sweaty!

DeShaun: Yeah, dawg, that brutha had dat buttery steeze.
by BillyB123 July 21, 2010
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A wet, frantic sounding fart that when done correctly sounds not unlike a duck being run over by a steamroller (this particular type of fart usually portends the coming of poo)
Who just cut a sick duck butteries? Better check for poo on that one!
by Julz Humpty-Hump August 25, 2010
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