A dirty hoebag that loves to watch different animals having sex and she gets off to them. She also fucked a dog so hard one time that its rectom turned inside-out. She is horrible at singing and sounds like a prehistoric bird on a regular basis and she has some kind of STD in her throat that causes her to constantly hack all over the place. Overall, a gross gal.
You really need to quit acting like Breanna.. It's eff'n disgusting.
by thatoneroomie September 13, 2011
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Usually 5’0white girl that’s lovable and always talks. She is beautiful and her smile is amazing
Wow did you see Breanna? Her smile is anazing
by Breskills January 18, 2019
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Typically ... One of your closest friends but the type that aren’t always what they should be. Fantastic Cook, Average Friend.
Yeah she’s kind of a Breanna
by Sincerely, J April 27, 2020
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A whale, usually busy sucking cock, in which thinking it tastes like sour cream and onion potato chips.



Cow Whore.

Fucks in woods next to the highway.

Loses fights to white bitchez.
by NIGGAFUC. January 20, 2010
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A very sensitive crying baby. Breannas are usually die hard Harry Potter fans. They cry if they get bad marks or you say something about Harry Potter. She is a bitch.
Guy 1: hey is that breanna
Guy2:I hope not
Guy 1:I know I will get in trouble again
Guy 2:why
Guy 1: I made a joke about Harry' potter
by Popswim July 19, 2017
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Breanna is a good friend she just is so fake
by Lildez4life September 23, 2019
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Breanna is a lying backstabing person and she talks about anyone she knows and its very hard to become friends with someone like this
by Annareece95 February 10, 2018
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