Somebody’s getting Bill Cosbied tonight,” said Malik Hall
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The act of giving a woman a pill, then having sex with them once they pass out.
Tim: Did you see Joe drop a rufilin in that girls drink!!??
Dave: Oh yeah, Joe always be Bill Cosbying bitches now-a-days...
by Tee-Money1986 October 22, 2015
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to cut a small opening in the bottom of a cup in order to insert you penis in, once someone reaches in, and makes a funny face you tell them it is you "Pudding Pop"
"dude I was on a date with amanda and i pulled a Bill Cosby"
by fckyamom April 7, 2008
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To be slipped a roofie, leading to an unwanted sexual encounter.
Dude, I think I got Bill Cosbyed at that party last night. I woke up with no pants on and $20 pinned to my shirt.
by DirtySouthJohn February 11, 2017
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