An oscar is an ounce. Usually of weed.
"In Australia oscar's are only $250AUD."
Exchange rate: $1AUD = $0.66US
by Diego July 28, 2003
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Very sexy guy though unkeen to admit it ;P oscar is cool and very very good at science. See cool sexy and osmosis
Oscar the grouch
computer says nooo
Im a laady
Im also a laady
by Osmo December 12, 2004
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An Asian kid with glasses and a cool haircut that's longer on one side. Most Oscars are good/think they are good at economics and football, often preferring to spend their time gaming instead of doing actual work; and they happen to be quite good at most games they play.
An Oscar is sociable but not too popular with the ladies - but they are in fact very chivalrous on the inside! They would let a girl in front of them in a race if they felt it appropriate.
You know that Oscar fella'? Ain't he an amazing guy?
by AtomicDictionary October 22, 2020
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hey oscar ur sexy today (like always)
by OSCAR June 1, 2004
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To pull a lie off so great that it's worthy of a nomination.
Rashad pulled a Oscar last night, he broke down to tears and everything.
by 32sixCubed February 3, 2009
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street slang to describe an ounce of weed, otherwise known as an ozzie, ounce, oz etc.
buddy: "you dude i just got paid, lets pick up an oscar and get fucked up"

mullen: "like always man, like always"
by buddy sticksworth August 14, 2008
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mexican baller who knos he da bomb!
"man im oscar"
by oscar September 27, 2003
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