Ai : Also Known As Atificial Incompetence In the Game Soldat....For obvious reasons.
Dude65: Ai U &*#$
Ai: I luv Apples..And churchy
by Atificial incompentence January 1, 2006
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A Spielberg movie that had a really stupid ending.
Who's the genious who thought that wiping out all humans and robots on the Earth and having it's only survivor Haley Jo Osment found by aliens was the best way to end the movie?
by Mister Ignorant May 11, 2004
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1) a complete tard

2) Another name for a condom
"Do you have any Ayeds, man? I don't wanna get any STDs".
by Jealous Butterfly January 11, 2011
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Sound that a sloth makes when he sees that he only has three (3) toes!
"Ai",climbing down from this tree I see I only have 3 toes! No wonder I move so slowly and it takes so long!
by RJRSTL March 6, 2008
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Abreviation for asian invasion style. Used when infiltrating or rushing a given area installation or group of people.
by Spectre01 March 17, 2005
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A short term spelling of when someone falls and you step over them (when Alan Iverson stepped over a player in a game)
Tim:Ai him!
(Everyone steps over John)
by Xxx_SlayerTrey_xxX March 15, 2017
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Aying!!. I got dumped and failed on my test today.
by demogenome March 28, 2018
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