South Africa is the coolest country in Africa. It has some of the best surfing spots in the world. South Africa, contrary to popular to belief, is very modernized in certain areas. Big cities like Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria(the capital), and coolest of all, Durban. Go to South Africa sometime! It's awesome!
I went to South Africa this summer and it was fucking awesome. The surfing there is incredible!!!
by dunst December 14, 2004
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The wet spot in the bed after a heavy dose of knocking boots. Usually resembles the outline of some geographical entity.
When I got through plowing Betty, I made her sleep in the map of Africa.
by Jay Don December 4, 2003
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large penis

abbreviated 'B.O.A.'
Mordecai has a real BOA in his trousers.
Mordecai has a real Blessing of Africa in his trousers.
by Mordecai May 19, 2004
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if you spell africa WITHOUT the a's, it says fr*c fric!@!Es!
Josh: bro spell africa without the a's

Clyde: fr*c

by I. Hate. Life. November 2, 2020
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when the temperature outside is so hot that it makes you feel as if you are in africa.
Dude 1: OMFG, its soooo hotttttt out here! im sweatin like a pig!

Dude 2: Dude, its so hot, it's AFRICA HOT!
by moses_1 July 26, 2010
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Occurs when:

-When dudes call three of the easiest girls they have in their phone,
-Drink large amounts of alcohol,
-Have the 80s megahit Africa by Toto blasting on repeat
-The lights are switched off

An Africa Party can result in unruly behavior and casual sexual encounters.
Bro 1: Dude lets kick this pregame up a notch and have an africa party!

Bro 2: For sure... (gets out cell phone and calls three morally loose women)

Bro 1: Bless the rains down in Africa, lets get wasted (turns on Toto and turns lights off when girls arrive).
by snowlar March 10, 2008
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A small area in Dundalk, MD that is connected by norris lane. Everyone in this area is "family" like the mafia.
You think the Sopranos are hard, wait till I get lil Africa on you; then you'll know fear!!
by Fresh4LFE September 21, 2010
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