The act of masturbating side by side with your partner. Usually practiced by abstaining couples who prefer intimacy, romance, cuddling and occasionally sucking at tits over hardcore sexual intercourse (because that officially qualifies as sinful fornication).This practice can be very effective to pacify the concerns of abstaining females who tend to accuse men of being dirty sexual pigs.
Do you know Cameron and Rachel... they have been practicing abstinence masturbation to control their need for sex... until they move on in life
by Innocent_Angel August 14, 2014
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In the entire month both men and women mustn't have sex, though masterbation is allowed
Sarah: You DTF tonight?
Jack: Nah it's Abstinence April.
by Milf_and_Cookies November 8, 2019
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When you like a song so much, you stop yourself from listening to it in order to save yourself from overplaying it, and thus losing interest.
Dude! An artist I love just released a single and it's my new favourite song! I fucking love it so much, I can't stop listening to it!
Make sure to practice song abstinence man, your ears are gonna be crying from overplaying in no time if you don't!
by dozybees May 17, 2020
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1) An individual who chooses to be abstinent in exchange for social rewards such as praise, social status, popularity or even monetary rewards in rare cases.

2) An individual possessing a flirtatious style, appearance and attitude normally associated with sluts, but remains dutifully committed to sexual abstinence.

3) An individual obsessed with abstinence usually due to a deep rooted fear, hatred or jealously towards sexual activity. Women tend to be fearful and men jealous.
Wow, that Stacy is showing off her purity ring again. What an abstinence whore.
by TruthInText May 27, 2010
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Choosing to save sexual activity (oral, anal, vaginal sex and mutual masturbation) for a faithful, committed marriage.

See also: Abstinence
Jane: "What do you think about sexual abstinence?"

Lafonda: "Well, I've had sex, but don't do any of that now. My ex broke my heart."

Kip: "I'm not read for a kid, and I definitely don't want painful sores on my junk."

by Audra WYW January 29, 2009
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A contract that parents and the Catholic Church force teenagers to sign, which says that they cannot engage in any sexual activities until marriage. It is stupid, because it goes against the basic laws of nature, and it doesn't work very often, instead it encourages them to have sex even more, but they don't know about birth control, so the girls get pregnant.
Craig: Why did you make me come in here with your girlfriend?

Craig's Mom: Craig, we'd like to talk with you two about something very important. Now that you both are together, we want you to sign this contract. Once you sign this, you will not commit any sexual activities until marriage, and therefore be pure until then, so you won't go to hell.

Craig: What the fuck, mom?! Are you stupid? I'd never sign an abstinence contract! You know I'm an athiest! Stop being such a retard! Sex is not some holy act that can only be done in marriage, it's normal human behavior! (Rips up contract) You make me sick! I wish you weren't so ignorant!
by JoshTheLiberator May 17, 2009
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Having the state of mind to be aroused by all acts of none sexual nature.
*types in Abstinence Fetish* Oh ya pour that coffee *huff huff* YES! you go to work! Get in your car! *
by -Blank* October 19, 2015
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