A derisive term for a hilarious joke that got posted to discussion boards or email lists too many times, by people that apparently post jokes themselves but never actually read anybody else's posts.

Originated from a large company's humor email list where approximately seven people posted, in a single day, Google Map's directions from NYC to Paris, which states that Step 23 is to swim across the Atlantic Ocean.
you: Dude, check out this link to a crazy dramatic chipmunk!
me: Yea, and be sure to check out step 23, it's hilarious.
me: And it's a hamster, nimrod.
by whydoIhavetocreateaname December 9, 2008
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National hug the shortest person you know day
Matthew: Sydney, It's October 23....
by orangeflasksksksksksk October 20, 2019
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people born on September 23 are usually the coolest, funniest, hottest, smartest, best friend a person could ever have
"wow, that September 23, is great. I wish I could be like her"
"I know right she's the best."
by Sophia hemligten November 2, 2020
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bad bitch birthday fasho, if its your birthday you a bad bitch idc 😘
person 1: my birthday's july 23
person 2: omg you a bad bitch
by clownery luv 🤡 October 18, 2019
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This is the day where you can pick up and throw your shortest friend without getting in trouble. You don’t need his or her permission
Gut number 1: Yo is October 23
Girl number 1: Oh yeah let’s go throw Lily
(Lily is their shortest friend)
by ihityourgirl October 17, 2019
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October 23, is give you’re crush a scrunchie/hoodie day which means you give them it don’t be a bitch!!💞
you: hey crush do you know what day it is??
crush: October 23. what else would it be?
you: give me a scrunchie//hoodie bitch!!!!💞🥰
by vScO gIrL sKsKsKsK😂🐢 October 20, 2019
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People born on this day are the best artists and are super pretty, funny, and nice. They grow up to be famous. If you have a friend born on this day, you are lucky. It is also national meme day.
Boy: hi, what r u for November 23?
Boy2:myself, why?
Boy:it is meme day.
Boy2:OHHHH imma be barney
by Goshzx November 24, 2019
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