1. Purposeful mispelling of the word own, Meaning to completely overpower and dominate, as in a videogame or argument. 2. to 'burn', as in an insult. Pwn'd and pwn't are it's past and present tenses. 3. To be completely cool and boss.
-After one defeats their opponent in a game-
'Dude, I pwn you.'
-After making a highly offensive statement-
-Referrign to something-
'Man, this song pwnz.'
by Pope's Secret Ninja April 10, 2005
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A gay-ass gamer-fag word derived from Own for the soul purpose of showing just how much he or she sucks at life.
Yo i'll Pwn u on Diablo 2 because in real life you'd tapdance on my face.
by Madd Jester December 16, 2004
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1)Pwn (present tense) or Pwned (past tense) - (verb) - The total domination, shutdown, or destruction of a person place or thing.

2)Pwnage (present tense) or Pwned (Past tense) - (adjective) - Describes how amazing or cool a person, place, or thing is

Commonly used by kids, teens, and young adults in video or computer games. Originated from the word 'owned' of the same meaning, it is perhaps a typo that has become a popular in the virtual and internet world. Of the txt language or known online as 'Leet' (L33T or L337), short for 'Elite'.
1) "So how'd your game of Halo go last night?"

"I lost 50 to 17."

"Dude, you got totally pwned!"

2) "How was your trip to Seattle?"

"It PWNED HARDCORE! You should have been there!"

2) "Left 4 Dead 2 is going to be Major Pwnage!"
by phre4k October 30, 2009
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proof that the youth of America have reached an all-time level in stupidity. A "word" made popular in online video game culture it is used to describe dominance over an opponent. it has fast become the most overly used term since the ever brain-numbing "BLING BLING."
Any and all idiots who continue to say "pwn" should have been "pwned" by an abortionist while their mother was in her second month of pregnancy...
by AntiEuphamismGuy February 19, 2010
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Pronounced: OWN

A big misconception is that it is pronounced 'pone' instead of 'own'. It was a miss-spelling of 'own', and it caught on. Just, the original people who came up with it pronounced it 'own'. But there were so many people who didn't get the joke, that they just assumed that it was pronounced 'pone'. www.purepwnage.com Explains it in episode 10.

1. It brutally win, it school someone, to get tons of headshots, etc.

2. To describe something cool or great.
Oh, no!! I just got pwned by a total n00b!

Wow, I just pwned that kid!

You got that game!? That pwns!!
by g3t_ __pWn3D January 10, 2009
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A misspelling of the word 'owns'.
"lol ben affleck pwns me"
by Heza January 17, 2003
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Means the same thing as own, and is the basic founding of 1337-sp33k. Was first used in a game of StarCraft for PC (by Blizzard) on accident.
by Sonic12040 October 26, 2003
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