by imdyinglol March 25, 2021
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Peter is a GAY name for people who are VERY gay and like BIG HANDSOME BLACK MEN...
Friend: Have you see any MEN for me
Me: OH NOOOOOO!!!! He's pulling a Peter sheesh.
by BitchYouGayAssFuck January 31, 2022
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Nice most of the time. Intelligent, sexy, sweet. Sometimes an asshole. Doesn;t take break-ups well. Dirty, Hilarious, perfect ladies man. Once you get him, You don't want to let go.
Person #1: You should break up w/ ur boyfriends
Person #2: why? He's such a Peter <3
Person #1: True...
by GODIEINAHOLE May 13, 2014
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what you can call your penis
it was so cold i almost froze my peter off.
by pussy bee January 19, 2020
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Normally a name of a boy who is kind but little naughty, slightly smart and really creative.

Doesn’t have many besties, but maybe one or two really close companies.

Mostly prefer to be in groups but secretly likes to stay alone for some time.
Love interests: short hair, cute, average and same age.
“Is that Peter?”
“Yeah. Though he isn’t Peter Parker, he’s still a great guy~”
by gnahunhsualarashi December 28, 2017
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Peter will seem good at first. Different than the others, even. He'll make you feel special, and weightless, and like everyone else is blurry and he's the only one in focus. He'll keep this going for a while, until he gets bored of you. Right when you get comfortable, that's when he'll leave, and then you'll realize he was the same as the rest of them all along.
Peter left me.
by imstillsalty March 14, 2017
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A way of saying good-bye. Combination of "Peace" and "Later."
Man: "Alright bro, I gotta go run to pick up my girl and shit."

Bro: "Shit man, peter!"
by Fuzz Lightbeard August 6, 2010
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