Max CANNOT say "no you" to James.

In any instance where James is complimenting Max, they cannot return the compliment with a "no u", uno reverse card or any other form of complimet reflection.
*also Max is valid and perfect*
James: "Ur great Max"
Max: "No u"
James: "No u"
Max: "You can't say that"
James: "Actually you can't according to Rule #1 of the Universe"
by Jamesanator December 23, 2020
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No matter what the subject is, never ever argue with an account who has a lot of followers or else their followers will jump you for it
“That guy has a lot of followers you shouldn’t argue with him
-but he said some really racist shit
-remember the number 1 rule of twitter”
by Handle_𝔦𝔱 November 13, 2020
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When the second half of your class has to attend school 3 days of the week, whilst you chill at home.
1:Hey, you seen that group 2 is going to school thrice this week?
2:Yeah bra, that's why group 1 rules.
by Murducks on YT May 12, 2021
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Never get your meat where you get your bread
As much as I would like to date a co-worker, rule #1 always applies
by goodhood14513 February 25, 2021
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Do the goalie as dirty as possible
Damn Paul just pulled out Rule #1 what a nasty shot
by NibbaNugget October 3, 2019
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Is that you gotta have fun
But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run
Girl: She broke Rule #1 of how to be a heart breaker, she stayed longer and he broke her heart
Girl 2: Wow that's tragic
by Snailutopia September 1, 2017
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Rule #1 is Shut the FUCK up!!
I walked in my house and said “Rule #1” and everybody knew to shut the fuck up!!
Rule #3 is there are no safe words in my house!! But that’s a different rule!!
by Byshop123 May 31, 2020
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