An excuse or answer to ANYTHING, use this phrase when someone asks you a question you don't know how to answer, or use it if you are caught doing something you aren't supposed to be doing.
man: why is there food all over the ground?
you: To feed the birds, why else?
by _IKnowWhatYouMeant_ December 31, 2016
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Robert lets go get some power feed ! China Master? or does AGP need you to come feed her?
by julia_perry December 11, 2015
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When you die a million times in a row, feeding the other team the win.
"Yo Skee, there's a team of taquitos feeding us at the taco truck in CoD."
by SquishyDays November 23, 2022
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A pussy act that one does usually in any multiplayer game that is team v. team, and results in usually your team losing. This means dying to the enemy multiple times resulting in giving the enemy gold and experience.
Hey! Anon, stop feeding your ass off we're gonna fucking lose!
Anon: fuck off im trying my hardest you retard
Announcer: D E F E A T
by boysyrup February 9, 2019
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That time of day, or morning where your cat gives no s***s what your doing, even if you are sleeping at 6am, and start doing everything in its power to get you to feed it.
The only alarm that has no snooze button
Having a pleasant dream in the early hours of the morning.
Cat *starts purring in my face because it's hungry*
Me: checks time (5:35am) "piss off its not feed me o'clock yet" *pushes cat away, rolls over and tries to fall asleep*
Cat: "I don't care what time it is and if your sleepy, I'm awake and I'm hungry so get up hooman"
by Shandogg69 April 26, 2022
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When someone brings up information about a Facebook status, profile, or update, which is at least 3 days old.
Don: Did you hear about Franks mom?

Paul: Man, that's Old News Feed, she's always been hot.
by mysocialsecuritynumber50528557 January 16, 2012
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The female version of the male's Spank Bank. A term used while incorporating a vibrator into play.
1:I'm just going to buzz one out.

2:Oh yeah? Do you like to watch porn while you do it?
1:Not this time, I just got a dick pic that went straight into the buzz feed.
by Spliffytiffy June 26, 2021
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