Messed up like uncooked chicken, super nasty, beyond distasteful.
Tyreesa is so crunk l-u-c! We got all naked and she touched me with her dried up, nasty hard-ass feet.
by luquinda j April 28, 2005
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An other name for alcohol. If a beverage is high in vitamin crunk, then it could probably get you hammered.
Beer, wine, mixed drinks, vodka, eggnog, all of the above contain your daily dose of vitamin crunk.
by good things April 26, 2010
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A receptacle into which one might choose to deposit their sexual attention.
I'm sick of these pussy ass crunk buckets on Reddit trying to hit me up with no pic.
by Madeline F February 26, 2022
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the instant when a small child (Ness or Lucas) prevents the funne monke (DK) from recovering in a smash bros ultimate game
DK tried to recover but was quickly hit with a crunke munke from a Lucas player
by GalaxyKidd November 20, 2020
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The mouth, i.e. where you put the booze or drugs that gets you crunked.
Get that cosmo down your crunk hole and let's go to the party!
by Shuaman November 11, 2018
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What happens at a pastabilities party when you eat to much pasta.
Person 1: Yo dude pastabilities last night was so good. I got so pasta crunk this girl wanted to get with me.
Person 2: I was so pasta crunk i get hit on by a fat guy!
by Raefein February 23, 2009
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