Typical response after placing your order at McDonald’s
May I please have a Big Mac?
by MKEDOUGIE July 4, 2022
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Another word for a fart.

Based from a scene of the movie, 'Foodfight' where one of the characters says this word before they jump up and fart in the villain's face.
Person 1: "Ew, did you just Ah Shutless?"

Person 2: "No, Maybe."
by Pope Yes Chim Ken November 25, 2021
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monkey: ooh ooh ah ah
monkey 2: ooh ooh ah ah ooh ooh ah ah ah ooh ah ooh ooh, ooh ooh ah ooh, ah ooh
by SoapMuncher July 9, 2022
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The most beautiful girl you'll ever meet. On the outside she's feisty but on the inside she's got a sweet and sensitive side that only the people who get close to her will see. She is artistic and passionate and to top it off she can pull of any look.
She's the type of girl you want to spend the rest of your life with, the type that you could imagine marrying and having kids with.
Overall, she's just an amazing person and you would be an idiot to miss any chance you get with her because there's no one else like her.
GB- I think I’m falling for you Amina
Collin- back off she’s mine!
GB- we sha’ll fight to death!

Amina (ah-mi-nuh) - oh my!
by TheTruthTellaYella November 24, 2021
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I sign of ligma
I have AH=agewfhjhikdsa
by AMOGUS ඞ September 13, 2021
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A way of saying
"take this."

if you're no face from spirited away.
"ah ah"

"no bitch i dont want your gold"
by Nomuwa April 16, 2022
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A definition can’t define him but he’s one of the realist person you’ll ever meet!
Dad, I want to be Woody Ah Fuu when I grow up”.
by Anonymous Ah Fuu November 23, 2021
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