A term referring to when you are in a business meeting and everyone is at a standstill on new ideas or a compromise. Nothing has progressed after hours. So everyone throws new, lucid, off-fangled ideas out into the open. It's a metaphor that comes from a hunting exercise, where to prep for a hunt, one shoots clay pigeons instead of real pigeons. You're just throwing stuff up in the air -- hopefully something hits. Akin to throwing darts until someone hits close to the bullseye.
Nick: Hey, Alissa Heinerscheid, we've been at this business proposal for hours and it's going nowhere. Let's just throw up some clay pigeons and see if something hits. I'll let you start.

Alissa Heinerscheid: Well Nick there's this one LGTBQ+ influencer out there...

Nick: Get the FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE! (Holds recording device to his mouth) Note to self: No more trannie-influencer-ideas and hey, waiter, "I'll take two clay pigeons to go".
by Studs Lonigan III October 30, 2023
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Putin, Stalin, and Kim Jong Un's leader.
jim: Stalin is a proud worshiper of the soviet pigeon
by myfriendputin December 13, 2017
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an unfortunate little man with a mustache and green clothes resembling luigi, he loves taking it up the ass from his friend the dinosaur or as he calls him my little ty daddy.
when i ate that burger it tasted like cum from mr. clean's cock i only wish we hadn't met that pigeon pijl.
by rampride January 19, 2007
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A friend of the Pigeon, Lord Custard first became known to men of science in the late 1900"s
His Redactive Pigeon Cages were both a scientific and an engineering leap forward, but were considered commercially unviable.

That nonwithstanding, he was cast out from the group of scientists (The Group of the Golden Compass) and sent into the academic wilderness in Manitoba (Canada).

Alone and unloved, he turned once again to the pigeon community for support and guidance, and was granted such.

During 12 long years, he wrote, re-wrote and finsalised his Magnus Opus, al la Ubermench - 'I am a Pigeon, Get Me Out Of Here'

B 1945
D 1998
I am a gigantic pigeon and I must be given sanctuary , for I am none other than Lord Custard Pigeon-Pants
by realistic mud 777 December 4, 2010
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a common past time kinda just vibing but...pigeon
"hey exams are over, I'll probably be pigeonning for the next few days, you?"
by pigeonsaresocool August 26, 2021
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A seagull, but for dumb people.
"Hey look, it's a beach Pigeon!"
"A what? Do you mean a seagull?"
"Ohhhhh, yeah I do hahaha"
by Dangly dongolies April 27, 2020
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When you dress your girlfriend up as a pigeon and roll her down the driveway.
"Gosh, I really envy Brad and Lisa's relationship. Did you see them doing the pigeon roll yesterday?"
by Zack_Sauce October 10, 2015
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