Nervousness that leads to perspiring.
So scared that you start to sweat.
When a guy wants to date a young lady, but has to meet her dad for the first time to ask his permission - he might start sweaten bullets while he waits for dad to come up from the basement or start sweaten bullets when dad questions his motives with his daughter!
by Floridatoy April 15, 2016
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The act of someone (usally female) being so cold that it looks as if your boobs have grown a pair of bullets on them
Girl 1: "Ugh its so cold in here."
Girl 2: "I know I can tell by your booby bullets."
by Gay Hipster October 31, 2015
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An act of sex which often incurs two large breasted Asian women punching each testicle as one does with a speedbag in boxing
Bob: Hey Jim! I heard the Chinese Bullet Train you had last night was a wild time

Jim: Yeah for sure
by Brontar April 18, 2023
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A pimple that appears normal, but when touched feels like being shot.
I couldn't go to work yesterday, I tried to pop a bullet pimple.
by ChiWi__ April 10, 2019
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A dick thats built like a bullet especially around the tip and that cums quick
P1: Mf kept on cumming mad quick wit his bullet dick self P2: Girllll
by Jdotmiami June 9, 2020
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A tightly packed hand rolled joint that features a rounded tip, soft body and a thin cardboard casing around the mouth of the paper filter. The finished silver bullet perfectly resembles a .38 sps round
Dude: bro, I rolled us a silver bullet.

Bro: dude that’s one smoking dooby.
by Un-crucified Danky Dank March 17, 2020
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