LOL BRIEFCASE is just a random thing that people yell because it's funny.

The origin is not certain, but the furthest I've been able to trace it is to a person named PsychicMaster on Warcraft III (Azeroth). He came into the Clan GS channel randomly and just yelled it. Then he'd leave.
PsychicMaster has joined the channel Clan GS.
PsychicMaster: LOL BRIEFCASE
PsychicMaster has left the channel.
by Storm_Surge March 28, 2007
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A conversation ender. If a guy or girl responses your lengthy text with this then they are uninterested in continuing the conversation.
Girl: I had so much fun with you! Definitely want to hang out again...
Guy: lol ok.
by Miapiakialiatia August 2, 2018
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using "laugh out loud" or lol at the beginning and end of a conversation
lol omg I can't believe she wore that to school lol

omg I just lol sandwiched, silly me.
by jlnm5228 July 14, 2008
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Used to make fun of someone in an attepmt to get them upset.
Player A killed PLayer B
Player A: lol@u
Player B: FU!!
by Shawn Michaels June 25, 2006
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lol moment
/lɒl,ɛləʊˈɛl ˈməʊm(ə)nt/


1. a moment where one can only describe the situation as 'lol'

1. ms hartley runs out of desk cleaner and then proceeds to dip because she knows the outcome of her tantrum will cause a earthquake and tsunami, what a lol moment

2. ms taylor goes to get a keyboard in room S46 while her class is in S43, she slips on nothing and the keyboard concusses her. Her class then decides to leave, lol moment

3. ms drauz sends arran outside after causing a disturbance in her class known as voicing his opinion and crawling away from her, lol moment haha
by alth May 29, 2020
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A mini lol is a laugh that is not quite 'lol', but is still technically a 'laugh out loud'. It is in between ':|' and 'lol' on the lolage spectrum. It's a quiet laugh, the real-life equivalent of 'Heh'.
Person 1: Your mum is fat.
Person 2: Well you're gay.
Person 1: Man, I was just joking with you!
Person 2: lol?
by I Define The Internet April 9, 2010
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An Auto-LOL is when someone on IM will respond instantly with "LOL" even with what your saying isn't funny at all. Just to continue on the conversation.
Zarbula: So, I ate tacos for dinner tonight

Melissa: LOL

Zarbula: What..? Wasn't trying to be funny.. Don't auto-LOL me!
by Zarbula February 1, 2008
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