From the outside, they look like regular pasty filled with meat. On the inside, they are hotter than the sun. Party pies give 5th degree burns.
Nina: hey, want some party pies?
Owen: no.
Nina: why not?
Owen: I’d rather not burn my mouth with food capable of giving third degree burns.
by dolebludgersgetout November 7, 2019
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when you pump fake to your fastest receiver to get the referee to check for penalties which was made by Jordan Thomas Cooper.
The University of Wyoming liked the PI decoy pump fake.
by Coop Dupe August 20, 2023
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When crypto scammers promise gullible folks that for a nominal fee they would help them trade the bitcoin they send to them, by generating at least three times the amount within 24 or 48 hours.
Countless sites boldly advertise their “Pi Your Bitcoin” trading strategy, by putting the word “legit” to make people believe it’s not a scam.
by Fasters March 27, 2022
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how to make a pi
3 whole numbers
1 tenth
4 hundredths
1 thousandth
5 ten thousandth
9 hundred thousandth

Preheat the oven to addition setting. Mix the ingredients in the order of the ingredients. Place it into a pi mould. Please place it in the oven for 3 hours. Take it out and decorate it however you want. I usually put some 265 billionths.

Effects: Makes you good at maths. Can calculate quickly mentally. Level up ur knowledge by 20 levels.
I found a recipe to make the legendary 3.14159 pi.
by some person on the interent August 6, 2022
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The best frat ever. Which isn't saying much. All the guys are mid, yet the atmosphere is top tier. If you go to a beta party, you will feel like a ten simply because these men are desperate. Stay away from Topher.
1: Did you hear beta theta pi is throwing tonight?
2: Oh shit! Don't drink that wine again!
by bingbong27 January 10, 2022
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a late night meal from McDonalds consisting of 2 apple pies and a small fry, resulting in the highest calorie intake to money spent ratio
when asked what he wanted from mcdonalds, he responded with "pies and fries"
by Thinkingship February 19, 2012
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A cycle counter that cant count wont admit it
This pick face is out by 500cases I take it as PI Wolf been counting again
by Dw86 January 8, 2020
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