The man from Mars is the best person you'll ever know. He's open minded he can solve all your problems and you'll feel comfortable just talking to him and telling him about your problems. And he's also funny, you won't stop laughing at his jokes and his sympathetic sense of humor. He is just amazing and handsome. You are mothefucker lucky if you are dating the man from Mars.
If you know "The man from Mars" then you know that he's your most kind heart and lovely soul friend. Let him fly you to the Mars!
by The.Man.From.Mars November 23, 2021
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When the planet Mars appears to rotating backwards against the solar orbit. This causes younger males to act in an irrational and perculia way.

They will come prone to insomnia and cancelling plans at a moments notice, which is, often a better option than the standard symptoms of ghosting. (See also fuckboy)

While being a menace to society and possibly responsible for 72-81% of the current gene pool, a Mars in Retrograde is often considered kind hearted, to the point of underdeveloped and puppy like.
Julia: How was your your date last night?

Victoria: it was ok, he has plenty of room for improvement but deffo a Mars in Retrograde!
by awb1809 March 4, 2021
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This day is for people that are born in Mars 28. They’re super sexy. Brown/golden hair all shimmering, golden brown eyes with little bit of a green. They’re so seductive and sex talks so much that they end up somewhere wrong. They have ex issues sadly and will probably be stuck on them forever. When they talk they sound very dumb but when it gets serious they’re actually smarter than all of you. They can get everything they want except girls/boys. They’re uniq people. They’re like a red person, honest and forward. Can’t forget that they are funny as hell and can’t be serious. If you’re born on this day you’re special. xo xo
“Oh my god who’s this everyone is talking about?”

“It’s mars 28, it’s her birthday! she’s the hottest one i’ve ever seen. Only aries people”
by lilalien October 25, 2019
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1) The euphemistic name for Donald Trump's Florida members-only resort, when the President is on site.
2) A term applied to any pleasant place under high security, lockdown, or restriction.
3) Should Trump face indictment or civil charges of misconduct and face house arrest, Mar-A-Lockdown takes on a new meaning.
Once the office building metal detectors arrived, restricting visitor progress in the main lobby, it was Mar-A-Lockdown in full force.
by NOJOPDX December 19, 2018
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the worst person you will ever meet. Zackary Mars is manipulative and the worst friend/boyfriend. if you even meet a Zackary Mars, stay away. Zackary Mars says every slur he cannot say and is the most horrible person you will ever meet. Zackary Mars is usually a, gemini, cancer, or scorpio. probably lives in Oklahoma. everyone hates Oklahoma. run if you meet a Zackary Mars. he cheats on all his girlfriends and is the biggest player.
do you know Zackary Mars?

oh yeah! he's a bitch! never be friends with him.
by wigglygoat April 25, 2022
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