Friend: Let's go to that fair and get some cotton candy
Drug Dealer: I have some cotton candy for you

Friend: Oh thanks
Drug Dealer: You're welcome
by Taylor<3_________ May 4, 2017
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The act in which one cups his or her fart, cup cake , and then hits someone nearby in the eye, resulting in a black eye, and pink eye. The blue from the black eye, and the pink from the eye infection, creates a nice color combination that is commonly found in cotton candy.
I am very gassy tonight, so I will be dishing out lots of cotton candy.
by MasonYeBoi April 22, 2018
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The left over balled up pieces of toilet paper around the anus and/or vagina after a woman or male wipes.
Brian how did it go last night?

Response: “Well when I went down on her to Toss her Salad, all I got was a mouth full of Cotton Candy!”

By Schmiddy22 June 11, 2022
by Schmiddy22 June 11, 2022
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when a girl gives you head while some chaw is on the tip of your penis.
Jilly gave me the best Georgia cotton box I've seen this side of the Appalachians.
by anxyhippo September 15, 2020
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the act of one having a job, career or daily task. Hustling legal or illegal. slave term, blacks on the plantation were forced to pick cotton for slave owners. In today's world there is a different owner forcing one to slave. This could be the government, bills, child support, etc. updated version of slaving
wyd? man right now im here pickn-cotton but i will done soon and off the plantation.
by Mont G September 22, 2011
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A condition in which one suffers from extreme dry mouth
got anything to drink? I got the cotton jaw
by Weedteacher December 3, 2017
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The annoying fucking lint found on the crotch of various sweatpants.
dude: aye you tryna fuk
girl: ew no your crotch cotton is as much as a turn off your grammar
by CosmicDragon March 9, 2016
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