On October 1 on All cyclists in Georgia that are under 16 must wear a helmet when cycling on public roads. This article will explain the information you should know about the new law.

The law is designed primarily to prevent injuries and fatalities in children under the age of 16 years old. It is noted that one of three children who are killed in traffic aren't wearing helmets. Apart from the immediate advantages of cycling safety, this law is anticipated will save Georgia taxpayers around $18 million for the following 10 years.

The law on cycling safety makes everyone who rides a bicycle under 16 years old in Georgia legally required to wear helmets while riding on bicycles. This is true regardless of whether the roads are public or private property. The law also states that riders younger than 17 must be accompanied by an adult who is a certified parent on a bicycle licensed by the government.

However, it could be possible for cyclists to be exempt from the requirement to visit a physician to undergo a medical exam which is required by law. In these cases, cyclists are required to provide their medical certificates to police prior to riding a bicycle on public roads.
Bicycle helmet law Georgia requires wearing the helmet, who are under the age of 16. Read the article about the bicycle helmet law in Georgia.
by Bicycle helmet law Georgia November 29, 2021
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A word use describe a large amount of dudes at a party or gathering
by Sc69734 November 4, 2020
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A very small dick.

A penis that has no shaft, just a head.
That dude in the hangover 2 was sporting a Chinese Helmet.
by afoxinthehole January 14, 2012
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This is a term used if you can guess/know what someone is about to do or say before it occurs
(I said to a friend) "Shall we go to Spain on holiday."
(The other person) "I was just thinking I would love to go to Spain soon, Lead helmet"
by Academies June 17, 2024
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When one is high and thinking of outrageous ideas.
“Bro imagine an adult-size infant” “Damn this dudes wearing the bong helmet.”
by Suffolkcountycunt August 20, 2022
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The historically accurate Viking erotica of J. G. Quintel 's universe in the series "Close Enough". Written by Alex Dorpenberger. Apparently, the erotica is good enough to reverse one's menopause.
Alex: The Rigid Helmet is historically accurate Viking erotica.
by thatVietDude April 12, 2022
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A dried-helmet is when you have a wet dream or ejaculate, then semen dries in or over the urethra causing you to spray or miss direct a stream of piss.
I went to take a piss this morning but I had a dried-helmet, I had to clean that shit up before my girlfriend sat in it. Again
by Chase Lewis white January 26, 2014
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