A term used on Halo multiplayer: the act of spamming grenades to get kills, usually used by n00bs when they cannot land a shot
Halo veteran- These kids can't beat my BR so now they're just nade whoring the lift
by Brobacca May 15, 2011
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The amount of whores one man can have at one night in a strip club.
"Dude, did you see his whore-spread last night? Phenomenal!"

"Yo, my friend said he would cover my whore-spread tonight! Idiot!"
by Stallser November 8, 2011
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A bitch that is constsntly on her phone talking to multiple guys.
Do something with yout life and stop being a screen whore.
by Cantinfluence January 28, 2023
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Someone who is in bed with muiltiple operating systems , instead of sticking to one
Person 1: Why have you got a mac when you have a pc.
Person 2: it's because i love both and its alright tp be a computer whore
by daniel needs saving September 19, 2018
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An Indian Man with a jack station you have to clean after he moves out, and you’re moving in.

An Indian man between 26-35 years old who apartment smells like ball sack and curry.
“You should have seen the spunk stains in that dirty curry whores jack shack! I can’t believe how many pubes were in there!
by Budd Greene August 20, 2022
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A person who has about 50 to many squishes
Have you met Anna? She’s such a squishy whore
by Fuckkoffxx March 10, 2021
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