The dude you get together with while he’s in prison cause he calls you on a string of collect calls.
Alyssa started dating a dude while he’s in prison, he is her prison boo.
by rondogwanny February 23, 2020
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A person that is a creep that stares from a distance and or peeping around a corner
The person is the only one staring at me from the middle of the crowd like a prison lurch
I caught the person staring at me from around the corner like a prison lurch
by Windy Winn June 30, 2022
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A pun used to describe the lengthy nature of a game of the popular board game, "Settlers of Catan".
"Please don't make us play another round of "Prisoners of Catan"! It takes so long to play!"
by LoneMeme April 18, 2015
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When you arrive in prison and beat down the biggest prisoner in your cell block so everyone will know you're not easy pickings. Occasionally known as a "PHD".
"Paul wasn't looking to be anyone's bitch while he did a stretch at Riker's, so he gave the alpha a prison-howdy-do and got through his sentence with no trouble from the other prisoners."
by Ight Biddy October 20, 2022
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In small press publishing that's code:

No erotic content, but other than that NO HOLDS BARRED
The Ethereal Gazette was noted for it's STRICT house rules rivaling the mentality of the Duggar household but aspects that differ as he defined to another who was doing anthologies, another editor knew the rules he coined -- other publishing imprints know this as Prison City Rules. No erotic content but no holds barred. Rule out sexual content but time the swearing, go for subject matter that's ideologically sensitive and able to address social issues when pulling this off. The Issue Five roster embodied the Prison City Rules approach.
by illinoishorrorman May 23, 2018
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When you get gangbanged in prison and they all cum in your ass. Afterwards, when you squat, the "custard" comes out.
Inmate 1-"Lets go give the new guy some of the famous Prison Custard."

3-5 guys follow

1 hour later
New guy - " Oh god! I'll never see custard the same way again!"
by Custard Fanatic December 12, 2022
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