Moose knuckle or camel toe, but in the back. As if someone was wearing spandex and hiding two bagels between their legs just Nader the grundle.
“Oh man, this woman flossed a wicked mass knuckle yesterday at the swap meet.”
by Jamal Y’all October 2, 2023
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Noun - one who, in the course of making gingerbread men and women, finds pleasure is their slow demise, often by removal of their limbs, one by one.
The mass gingercutioner cackled as she removed the appendages of the young gingerpeople on her baking sheet.
by Gingercutioner December 28, 2010
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It happens to silent and quiet people when they encounter a situation and they get irritated inside.
John: she kept asking stupid questions in the meeting and I had this Mass shooter syndrome and couldnt tell her to shut up.
by Samooooooo July 27, 2023
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Usually a edgy old man who try’s to be hip and cool but ends up making everyone in the room cringe, usually the old man wears eyeliner and dyes his hair black or gray and is part of some sort of cult
“My grandpa is such a mass rez”
by Spicyburritoman October 4, 2018
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Your friend that asks for money and never warns you that they will do it again and again and again. When your plan was to give a little bit of money, next thing you know he is asking for even more money.
I thought you were homeless but you're a mass sheckle killer!

Can I have 1000 sheckles? I'm not a mass sheckle killer by the way. Oh and also I need another 5000 sheckles please.
by Temiz August 8, 2023
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A Noun used to describe a person from the state of Massachusetts, when that person is not in Massachusetts.
That Mass head can’t drive correctly.
by jewish bigalo22 April 7, 2021
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Engaging in acts that satisfy a shoe fetish or shoe addiction, for example, the habitual online search for shoe images.
Guy 1: What have you been up to lately?
Guy 2: Not much, just looking at shoes on my computer.
Guy 1: You do that a lot, don't you?
Guy 2: Yeah, I just like to see all the different kinds of kicks out there. Some of them I want to buy.
Guy 1: So you like mass-shoe-bation?
Guy 2: I guess so. I am a mass-shoe-bator.

Guy 1 : Just be careful. My dad says it can make you go blind.
by Dr. Lobo October 10, 2013
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