The most recent incarnation of hipsters (in the UK at least).
Almost always seen in some sort of headwear: most commonly a flat-peaked cap but sometimes some sort of beanie instead. Other typical clothing includes graphic tees, chunky trainers (usually skate shoes or basketball shoes, preferably Nike), parkas, plaid shirts, hoodies and slim-fitting chinos or jeans. Big headphones are a popular accessory.
Their favourite activities include smoking weed, clubbing and going to rap shows. A notable minority also try their hand at skateboarding, especially after the rise in popularity of OFWGKTA.
They listen to "underground" hip-hop (favourites include Immortal Technique, Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, Saul Williams, Curren$y, MF DOOM). They also listen to electronic music ranging from dubstep, house and IDM to witch house and the abstract "beat music" of the Brainfeeder Collective. They'll tend to feign an appreciation of old skool rap, but rarely actually listen to anything made before the year 2000.
They invariably revere the late great J Dilla as a god.
They'll rarely if ever identify with the term "hipster", probably considering it an insult, but may refer to themselves as "hip hop heads" or "beat heads".
Hipster-hopper 1: "Dude let's drop a load of mandy and go to a rave!"
Hipster-hopper 2: "Nah bro, let's just roll another spliff, put on some beats and chill out here."
by Rapfan2011 November 10, 2011
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Someone who fulfills some but not all of the criteria of being a hipster. He/she either differs from hipsters in at least one important way, or inconsistently exhibits hipster-like characteristics.
Nich claims that he's a lousy hipster, but I haven't seen him eat meat in at least two years. He's totally gone vegetarian.
by WithEazE July 16, 2013
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An online meme of a cat with glasses that enjoys unknown, obscure, or "underground" viral concepts that have spread through culture or the internet.
Hipster cat's favorite band: you haven't heard of them!
by anonymous_nerds May 26, 2011
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a city, or neighborhood in that city, where "hipsters" congregate. usually semi upscale, yet affordable due to mom and dads money. full of coffee shops, bars, "thrift" stores (where a crappy used t-shirt runs about $13).
hipster #1 hey im moving out of capitol hill in seattle. its like so over

hipster #2 yeah, i moved to portland, OR. its the new hipster-mecca
by hellmang March 1, 2008
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Anyone who thinks something is uncool just because it is popular. Anyone who wears thick rimmed glasses. Anyone whose name starts with Steven and ends in Mayo.
by Thegamelol May 16, 2011
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A software programmer that probably writes in Ruby, JavaScript or some other "popular but nonetheless probably crap" language. Typically more "artsy fartsy" types than an actual computer scientist. Millennial generation. Street clothing at all times. Hardware stack is entirely Apple-based. High concentrations exist in Shoreditch of London and Bay Area of San Francisco.
I went to a software conference last week and there was so many programming hipsters there talking about their shitty dynamically typed languages.
by theengineer November 2, 2013
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A person who calls himself hipster, however his music knowledge is based on radio hits,dances like a crazy fag on parties and combines skinny jeans with flip-flops.

Also refers to a hipster scenario perfomed by normie people.
You see that douche jumping around taking pictures of everyone?

he is the worst hipster knockoff I've ever seen.
by danne August 13, 2010
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