The pen is mightier than the sword, but the pen sword is the mightiest. It can cut a line through paper with a blade of ink as easily as it can cut through flesh with a blade of steel.
"They said the pen was mightier than the sword, but now I give you this, THE PEN SWORD"
"Bro how much weed was in those brownies?"
by Seamus Bright September 16, 2022
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1. A reference to Nuklear Power's web comic 8 Bit Theater where the Fighter repeats the phrase to the Guard, who can only reply "Welcome to Cornelia." Used to show automatic responses in nerdy groups and express disinterest in the topic.

2. Way of saying you prefer penis to pussy
Guy 1: Want to hear about my surgery?
Guy 2: No.
Guy 1: Well it went great.
Guy 2: I like swords
Guy 1: *continues to go on
Guy 2: *Every few minutes I like swords

Girl: Who are you here with tonight?
Gay guy: I like swords
by Tweedle_the_Bard January 18, 2020
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The mentality of never giving up even though you know you are going to lose over, and over, and over again.
"Look at PrinceZam, hes rushing his enemies even though he knows hes going to lose, that is a pure example of Stone Sword Mentality.
by TransFemGaymer July 16, 2023
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The Sword in The Stone is when a woman is either lying on her back or is kneeling and a Man (or woman with any form of penis) bends down and deep throat piston fuck them until they orgasm.
Bro 1: Dude did you here, Jaxon and your mom re-enacted "The Sword in The stone".
Bro 2 (Slightly embarrassed and self-conscious): Come on bro, stop talking about my mom you know that's just mean.

Bro 1: You're right bro I'm sorry.
Bro 2: It's all right, now come over here and give papa some of that Portuguese breakfast.
Bro 1: UwU ok *rawr*
by ElectricBoogalUwU August 23, 2019
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A sword that is kept in the kitchen of home to defend of attackers
Aye yo I think I heard something grab my kitchen sword
by Hiphop9849 May 5, 2022
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The sword that KA_TheLegend uses to fight off monsters, and bad guys. it shoots out rainbows, and its the Uni-Shark's extra horn, that can never break. and its rainbow colored.
You better watch out, KA_TheLegend is using his Uni-Shark Horn Sword!!
by KA_TheLegend April 24, 2017
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The capability of chaos and slaughter, but the pride to keep it inside you.
"Carry your sword, always. Dark days will come when you must unsheath it"
by Undeadpilgrim9456 February 12, 2023
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