The act of farting so big and juicy that you physically feel it
Jane: maannn I just had a big phat juicy fart and it stinks so bad

Kyle: ahaha that’s rad my dude....*gags at the smell of James fart then laughs*
by Aquanae October 22, 2020
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A phat shame is used to describe something that is upsetting or a misfortune that is especially big. Invented by Caitlin
"I'm alllergic to pickles"
"oh that's one phat shame"
by Caitlindudlyke November 2, 2017
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massive supply of a certain something
"I'm stocked phat on the AA's, but not on AAA's!"
"If you want to stop by my house for Thanksgiving, I'm stocked phat on food."
by ocSLUCIOUS January 5, 2012
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When you commit war crimes against several small villages in quick succession to achieve domination over fellow Homo sapiens
Human 1: “Hey how did you go with the phat hazz on the weekend

Human 2: “Yeah it was great, looking forward to next weeks event”
by The dog’s bollocks December 9, 2021
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When you nut in yo neighbours gurl. You finna hit a phat dip.
by butttootfart May 24, 2018
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A whip on a dirtbike that is more than 90°.
Holy dumb Fuck, that nig just pulled a phat whip on that pimpin honda 50. Oh and then he fell and broke the bike, dumbass.
by brandoman1 April 24, 2013
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