a very stereotypical view on the asian languages (usually by dirty rednecks)
Chinese guy: speaking chinese
Redneck The fuck is he sayin, chink speak?
redneck 2: appears so
by Cenafan98 November 7, 2021
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"I speak American Born Chinese." As in, my Chinese sucks but I speak English because I was born in the states.
Person A: "(something in Mandarin)"
Person B: "oh, my Chinese sucks."
Person A: "oh, that's okay. I speak ABC!"
by Haunting baker September 1, 2022
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when you should be speaking to your girlfriend but your off playing cod with your idiot mates
another way of being a DICK
His mates - dude lets play cod!
boyfriend - i should be speaking to my girlfriend but sure!
His mates - fuck her man, bros before hoes
boyfriend - ehhhh ken
by Broooogaan November 27, 2010
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I was getting so worked up then bam! My dick started speaking for itself.
by Mr Special September 11, 2021
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"Speak to that": Usually asked as a question, does one have carnal knowledge of another. Synomymous with "Have you taped that?"
Dude, she's hot. Can you speak to that?
by --A June 17, 2005
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When someone says something incredibly dumb expecting a laugh but no one laughs and the room goes silent
Cole:” no , Swiss people speak cheese”
Myles, Leo and Dwayne: “…….”
by myleslikesman April 5, 2022
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To describe someone waiting for their muscles in their alimentary canal to spasm as they wretch, so when they vomit, it sounds like someone speaking Japanese.
"I drank so much, that I started to speaking Japanese in the alley way."
by Mattchoo79 September 23, 2021
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