giving a girl such pleasure she never wants to leave you again
i just did a filthy alex, she doesnt want to leave!
by Alex thicc February 8, 2021
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The act of attempting to push the previous occupant of a public bathroom stall back into the lavatory in order to give them a rimjob.
Guy 1: Dude did you hear about what that big bearded guy was doing in the club last night?
Guy 2: Yea man I heard he actually pulled off a filthy grimmy...
by Rtomo July 30, 2018
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Drinking game in which, two men simultaneously fornicate with one woman.
Bart and Mork were high fiving over Mora's back while playing Filthy O'Kavanaugh
by loquacious loki October 5, 2018
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the act of anal sex followed by the female giving the male oral sex, resulting in a excremental residue left around the females lips, followed by the male ejaculating in the females mouth creating an oreo like picture where there is shit around the females lips and cum in the center of her mouth.
'I popped her in dat ass, then she gave me the throat, ended up givin her a filthy oreo finish!'
by alec.wilde9 June 22, 2016
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An individual that enjoys nesting. Often unwashed for weeks at a time.
That filthy eagle
by JimmyC2020 April 3, 2020
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Similar to a dirty sanchez, during anal when your dick is covered in feces, pull out and smear it under her nose and top lip area while eating a croissant.
I was with this chick last night and she told me she wanted me to give her a Filthy Jacques.
by Orgazmo77 December 14, 2020
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