A zipper merge happens when motorists use both lanes of traffic all the way to a defined merge area, and then alternate in "zipper" fashion into the open lane. By doing it this way, both lanes are used right up until the end, which advocates like New think is a more efficient use of road space.
1st Motorist: "Zipper merging is best for slow heavy traffic. If traffic is light, early merging is fine."
2nd Motorist: "Only problem with zipper merge are the idiots who will not let you merge in front of them so they pull up tight to the car in front of them. They do this even if you try to merge early. I typically will merge at the first available open space."
by humblepiece May 21, 2015
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When a girl's pants are so tight you can read her lips. Also known as Camel Toe and Beaver Floss
Man, did you see that girl's zipper muffin? I coulda swore it said something to me.
by Ryan March 14, 2005
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To be murdered due to an act of disrespect and placed in a coroner's bag.
If that punk bitch keeps fuckin around and don't pay me my money he's gonna get zippered up.
by Got it on the Low March 3, 2009
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Dude did you finally get some? Hell no we just had another zipper fight and a wasted boner.
by Joe bagadonutz November 10, 2015
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a majestic white buffalo found in the valley of California. Always spotted with different color hair each time. Very friendly greeter, always a cute smile.
DUDE I SPOTTED THE ZIPPER QUEEN! I would like to explore the land beyond the zipper!
by BoogerKyle October 14, 2020
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When the zipper in your pants cuts your dick off.
I was so hungover, I gave myself a zipper snipper
by Wonky Tonky February 24, 2016
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male becomes erect enough that his penis is pressed against the zipper of his pants.
Yo Ming! you see those two asian school girls making out on the bus, got me straight up zipper bumping....ya digggggg?
by RidiculousIsHe February 28, 2015
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