1. A noun used for an asian from the western hemisphere, whether born there or are a citizen of a western country from the family's 1st generation of immigration. This term can be used to describe a Wasian from anywhere in the western hemisphere.

2. An adjective used to describe in relation to Asians from the Western Hemisphere, their customs or languages.
Guy 1: "Did you know that one popular gaming YouTuber is by definition, Wasian?
Guy 2: "You mean Asian Canadian?"
Guy 1: "Wasian, Asian Canadian, same thing, though Wasian while much shorter to say, also appeals to the whole Western Hemisphere's population of Asians!
Guy 2: "Ok zoomer."
by wallnutz_ November 16, 2021
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Someone from West-Asia.
I'm a Wasian born in Iran.
by cii4ps April 22, 2022
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A half white half asian (especially Chinese) person, typically a high level athlete with straight A's in school but also gets absolutely zero bitches
Guy 1: Is that guy Chinese or white? I can't tell
Guy 2: he's actually Wasian
by TheWasianSensation April 11, 2022
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50% white and 50% Asian
Likes both white and Asian people and is sexy af to both whites and asians
Brenda was a wasian and she loved chad
by Nabib November 18, 2019
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an individual who is of asian and white descent. Also known as hot asian. These individuals have a high probability of coming out very attractive.
wasians have become widely known as the most attractive mix in the U.S.
by nena yumicho July 2, 2022
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White + Asian = Wasian
If you’re a mix of white and Asian, you’re wasian.
Boy 1: “I’ve always wondered if Sarah is mixed with something...”
Boy 2: “Dude, yeah. She’s Wasian.”
by Scarlett Frey January 31, 2019
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