An economic measure of the "units of happiness".
The economist would always ask a specific set of questions to figure out the potential utils of a potential love interest. He was hoping for a 10 but, at best, but quickly learned he could get a more positive response from a low scoring woman whose utils increased when he acted pleasant and fun.
by mlhiss December 21, 2019
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a bisexual afab person who no matter what they do or wear still is clocked as feminine. they are normally handy and stronger than they look. incredibly hot to everyone because of how confusing their gender expression is.
Look at those levi cut offs and button up shirt
Oh, they’re total a utility fem
by lemjamin October 31, 2021
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To use a person for what they can do for you or give you , to benefit yourself. Utilizing a person.
D: Man, I'm on stucc till my car fixed .
T: Becky got a whip and she just got her pay check today.
D: Oh yeah? Utilization!
by JJ JuicyJuice September 17, 2017
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Someone who is big but cant lift for shit in the gym , commonly used to make said person feel better about them self.
I know you lift more than me but I have more utility strength!
by Gymrat406 March 6, 2021
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A Sports Utility Vehicle which is primarily marketed towards women
I can't believe Matt bought a Ford Escape! Doesn't he know that's a Bitch Utility Vehicle?
by YourDogsAllWet June 30, 2014
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The utility that a particular concept or object has that is unique to that concept or object.
"I'm not sure of the specific utility of the word, 'meme.' Why not just call it idea? I suppose coining a brand new word glamorizes a concept and helps us appreciate it on a contextual metaplane."
by shadyladyk March 10, 2010
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an English translation of a French phrase meaning

"when the time, place, context and/or circumstances are appropriate for one to know something"
son: Dad, I'd like to learn how to drive a car, my older brother Jerry who is 16, i;s learning how to drive. Why can't I?

father: Oh. you'll learn en temps et lieux utiles, but, as of today, at the tender age of 13, you are definitely not old enough. Now go sleep tight.
by Sexydimma December 23, 2012
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