A 't-shirt trainer' is a male who goes to the gym only for the purpose of working their upper body, in the mistaken belief that getting bigger pecs and biceps will improve his success with the ladies.

T-shirt training has the effect of giving the male a defined upper body, but leaving him with skinny ass chicken legs. T-shirt trainers like to refer to themselves as bodybuilders, but you will only ever see them on the bench press, bicep curl or shoulder fly machines, ie. they are not bodybuilders, but vain posers.

The term was originally coined by Tempa T (of the Slew Dem Crew).

What t-shirt trainers fail to realise hoewver is that no

chcikn legs
Guy1: lolz look at those t-shirt trainers over there. desperately tryina get buff before summer.

Guy2: Don't they realise now matter how big their pecs are, it won't make up for their lack of social skills.
by Zweihander47 November 9, 2011
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An annoying ass smash ultimate character who won't shut the fuck up and keeps screaming "BONE" which is the one thing no bi or straight man will get for her flat annoying ass.
I was playing smash bros having a great time whooping some wii fit trainer mains ass fueled on by rage cause of the annoying fucking noises I kept hearing wanting to end the game so the trainer would shut tf up.
by Necrozma Beam October 24, 2020
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The name some really invested people give to the beast handler in BTD6.

Mr.: A reference to Mr. Beast.
Breast: A (sexual) pun on Beast.
Trainer: Joking about its beasts being similar to certain Pokémon.
Person: pls nerf Mr. Breast Trainer's top path
Ninja Kiwi: we'll only nerf it if you speak it correctly
Person: oh shit
by Joao3 April 11, 2023
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A person of select and unique skill sets needed to handle tough clients and is generally hired by Corporate America to solve problems which save or make money. These same clients or management may someday turn on them for unknown reasons at any time, eating them for lunch. The Sea World Trainer is considered disposable with few lasting benefits, recognition, or legal recourse. Sea World Trainers also live for the glory, and usually die without any.
John used an exciting new format for the ad, but the moron client found it objectionable and chewed him a new asshole, and management fired John without notice to keep the money client happy.

John was a Sea World Trainer.
by Aquamar April 3, 2011
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This is calling back to a song from chance the rapper’s 2019 debut album, The big day and particularly the song, hot shower.
These are the first main lyrics used by chance to convey to the listener. That he has muscles like Superman trainer. This means to the person who says this that he has muscles from the hero, Superman and also from a trainer, particularly an athletic one.
“Hey Jim
“ I got muscles like Superman trainer”
oh you must be strong, me to”
by E000000000005 November 28, 2019
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a usually friendless male between the ages of 15-30 who lives with his mom he reads his eragon books for half the day and the rest of the day he plays wizard games on the internet. he is very knowledgeable about dragons and medieval weapons. he spends his Friday nights watching "the history of dragons" on the history channel... he is also very annoying.
by uknowitt June 24, 2010
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On February 20th, you will wear trainers to school or wherever you go.
‘They can’t put everyone is isolation or detention in national trainer day!’
by Hanna.hxxx December 11, 2019
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