The US has been involved in 90% of wars since WWII
Over 40% of the American population is morbidly obese
The United States of America is Mcdonaldsland
by Doctorproctor127 April 12, 2019
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When referring to the USA, it refers to a country that supports intellectual terrorism with it's anti-circumvention laws, region locks, RIAA, MPAA, ESA, corporate double-dipping, charging for a television broadcast ,software patents, and the shutting down of merchants that sell mod chips.

The only freedom of religion in the USA is freedom from religion.

Bush sends his own kind to die in a war for oil--if you happen to be an atheist, you are allowed to think that it's a 'my god can beat up your god' war.

The tax code is the most complicated of any industrialized nation.

The USA is the place where unborn children go to die against their will.

Like a heroin addict looking for his next fix, the USA has to start wars with other countries.

Do-gooders force their ways on others to eliminate violence/profanity in the fantasy world.

You can sodomize your husband, but it's illegal to have another wife to hug.

Hate crimes towards immigrants.

The war on drugs...need I say more?
Friends don't let friends limit their freedom in the United States Of America.

A Christian in the United States Of America is treated like a shedding cat in a room full of people allergic to cats.
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A nation consisting of 98% intellegent, decent, hard working individuals who are easy to work with or talk to and make pleasant company. Unfortunately, 2% are ethnocentric, racist, and very loud, thereby giving a huge black eye to the balance of the polulation. The second largest country by land mass in the western hemisphere. Currently being repeatedly humilated by the lies and corrupt practices of thier leadership.
I like the United States of America, but I wouldn't want to live there.
by KillAllHumans July 14, 2004
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-Something worth dying for.

-Home of true "Freedom" "Liberty" and "Justice". Truly

-A great land who currently is in danger of corruption beyond imagination. Yet through valour, and strife may we restore her balance, and renew her glory.

-A place I proudly call home.
Let us come together and bring back what was once the GREAT United States of America!
by Patriotic@america December 23, 2005
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Great country that is constantly bitched about by stupid europeans, despite the fact that we saved their sorry asses during WWII. Were it not for the USA, europe would be controlled by Nazis, asia by the USSR and oter communist regimes. Fuck all you stupid U.S haters. We shed blood for your sorry ass and this is how you thank us.
The United States of America continues to help other countries, despite all the bullshit we get from them
by usarules August 15, 2007
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A country that helps its neighbors, although some Canadians are douchbags and hate on the USA. Canada wouldn't have gotten far if it wasnt USA's neighbor, becuase if it was in Europe thier asses would have gotten Imperialized. The USA is the North America, many think of it as an imperializer, which may be true, but so are all the Europeans and you dont see anyone rubbing it on thier face. Above all we got the BEST COLLEGES IN THE WORLD, even though people call us stupid becuase of a President. Those who think that are dead wrong! In this country we have tons of intelligent people, hence why we are doing so well, also we got most Europe free from being taken over by Germany in WWII, if not I wouldn't want to know what would've happened to Britain or Russia if we didnt get thier in time. France admired us after we freed them, but all thats change after one President, I'm pretty sure saving them from being Germany is better reason to like us.
Bob: Many think the United States of America are stuck-up!

Billy: Well we have to defend ourselfs from ridiculous criticism
by Sonstitution September 16, 2009
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