This sexual maneuver has an extremely high degree of difficulty and requires some planning, but if anyone can pull it off it says something about their ability. A presidential dumptruck is the combination of an Abe Lincoln and the traditional dump truck. Once the male has ejaculated in the female's mouth (making sure to get some on the face to act as beard adhesive) and dropped off his load, he proceeds to turn around and throw the pre-shaven pubs onto the female's face forming the beard and completing the presidential dump truck.
Holy Shit guys! I just heard that Mike gave Sherry a presidential dump truck last night. How the hell did he pull that off?!
by DaTonyDanza February 15, 2010
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When a girl has fucked up legs that look like they've been run over by a dump truck.
Bygz: Yo, man I slayed this chick last night.
Tariq: Was she hot?
Bygz: Yeah, but she had dump truck legs.
by kreepy guy March 17, 2011
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a girl one might fuck for purely utilitarian reasons. i.e. fat and nasty, but willing.
Scott rationalized sleeping with that Rusty Dump Truck the other night because let's face it, it was late and he hadn't been laid in like a year. There was also Jägermeister involved.
by lostaccident August 24, 2006
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The woman lays on her back while you start shitting on her torso. Next, you proceed to scoot backwards to her face while saying, "beep beep beep" until you finally rest your ass hole on her mouth. This act should only be reserved for holidays or anniversary's.
"Susie will be pleasantly surprised that in her stocking this Christmas is a gift certificate for one free Pittsburgh Dump Truck."
by Scott Haase July 17, 2008
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a poop head that occasionaly ding ding dig i dang dang dang dig i di dang dang
Martha Dump Truck in the flesh
here comes the cootie squad, you should:
shut up heather
sorry heather
look who's with her

oh my gosh
dang dang diggity dang
by potato fingers October 20, 2019
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whilst (teabagging) the male slowy turns 360 degrees while the female applies pressure to the testacles with her teeth the (male) will then scream beep beep while releasing (faeces) onto the victims face.this move is commonly performed in (australia) and is considered (tradition) in some parts of the country.
male(1) hey how was your date last night?

male(2)awesome we 360 dump trucked for like 5 minutes.

male(1)probably shouldnt of had curry.

male(2)yeah bad idea.
by d@niel10 June 1, 2011
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In first person shooters, to take a shotgun blast to the chest.
I though I had him beat, but then he turned around and dump trucked my ass.
by Hovdaholic June 1, 2007
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