Crap.Can be used as an insult when saying "you're funny" or "that was funny".
Funniest would mean crappiest.
Funnier would mean crappier.
But if you want to say crappy using this word you must say funnyny (pronounced Fun-nee-nee).
by ~JvB~ January 22, 2009
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Something that people don’t know how to be these days
Calling someone a boomer is not funny
by Bhall43 September 8, 2020
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When you want to say funny as fuck but you remember you are on a Christian Minecraft server.
That Stattue guy is funny as!
by TheRoatedPotato April 12, 2021
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A term from the 70's that implies that one may be homosexual.
Son: Mom why does Uncle Leroy always have his 'friend' Sabastian with him whenever we see him?
Mother: Son, well you see, the family has conclude Uncle Leroy might be kinda funny.
by B JizZle September 24, 2006
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Don’t even waste your percentage searching up “funny”. Because it’s not worth it. Go ask your mom.
by Cool_kidz - Orangutan xx May 13, 2019
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