when something is so horrendous that it not only sucks one ass, it sucks multiple asses.
The U.S. foreign policy, particularly under the current administration, sucks many asses.
by truck May 14, 2005
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When something is stupid or lame it sucks your ass
That movie sucks my ass!!!
by Becky Clark June 11, 2008
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One who has the double misfortune of having been labeled an 'ass' and someone who sucks butts. Many times one who is a superlative wordbrownoser.
Damn, sucking up to the boss again? That fool is a nothing but a suck butt ass.
by Autodafey November 5, 2003
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The act of licking or "sucking" someone's anus. This can be used in any type of sex, hetero or homo, and can be pleasuring to males and females alike.
This can also be used to "tell off" someone you don't like or insult someone
Kid 1: I hate you! Suck my ass in hell, bitch!

Kid 2: Fuvk you bitch, I'll never have as good an insult as that!
by Pussydestoyer6969 February 8, 2015
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An expression that often is used among friends to say fuck off or eat shit.
L: Fuck I only got a 90% on my test
J: Suck my ass

B: you got shotgun last time, it's my turn to ride in the passenger seat!
A: Suck my ass
by 398281007 June 14, 2016
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when you're pissed off and your only comeback is suck my ass
guy: you're such a bitch

girl: suck my ass you white boy
by guy1girl2 February 5, 2016
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