introduced by EEK and MEH of AM fame, the 2 most notorious spammers in AM history
normal person: that is correct
EEK: i have fluffy stuff and macdonalds fries in a jar
MEH: yes, i like pizza.
EEK: kekekek
MEH: STFU eric
MEH: I need my medicine
EEK: i just saw a rabbit

so on and so forth
by glenn April 13, 2005
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An extremely irksome person who fills up any given website with inane opinions and source-lacking "facts." The kind of person who gets bored and decides to spend the evening writing entries for Urban Dictionary that look something like this;

"amy -- omg the most beautiful girl in the world!!!shes so pretty,heehee,shes me!!!"

Very rarely uses punctuation or has any understanding of the English language. Often uses spam as a way to promote another site, online community, porn source, or musical group. Sometimes, spammers have such sad lives that they use spam in an attempt to get a date;

"hey,if u want 2 get 2gether & have fun, call me @ 555-7684"

Spammers are common at any popular site, including, but not limited to, Youtube, Imeem,, Facebook, and Urban Dictionary.
"I tried to set up a fan community for early Hitchcock films, but I need to start moderating; the place is a breeding ground for trolls and spammers."
by Zrina April 17, 2009
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A 43 year old virgin, who has multiple insecurities. He sits on his computer for hours trying to insult people. His content is overused and second rate.
John: Who is this United Spammers?

Andy: Some bitch, I guess.
by United Spammerbitch November 9, 2008
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A word I invented for Lord of the Rings: Battle for middle earth 1,2,and Revenge of the witch king.

Noun: A person who creates extreme numbers of defensive structures, making it impossible to defeat him, unless you have an army of siege weapons.

Remember to make troops, if you use this tactic.
most noobs wont.
Navin (bfme2 player): *sends huge army to kill a level 1*

Noobzorz1: *Huge number of battle towers kill Navins army instantly*

Navin: OMFG U stupid defense spammer noob!

Noobzorz1: L0L U SUCK!!!1!! lolp!

Navin: *sends army of catapults and destroys towers*


Navin: They're called resources not money noob

Noobzorz1: FU JERK@$$.
by Navin (Bfme2 username) August 7, 2007
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A Person who is only using a premium shell (HE GOLD, HESH) (WoT - World of Tanks) in order to achieve either high damage or high penetration on a tank that they cannot damage using standard shell types. (AP, APCR. HE. HEAT ) HEAT and APCR can be classified as gold if the the HUD shows a yellow box around the shell type in the bottom left corner most people should use gold when in tough situations but people use it freely to rack up kills
don't worry about him he's a gold spammer.
by ds. February 26, 2022
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A skycamper who spams all moves in full transform
That dragon spammer cant combo if his life depended on it
by Saekogremory August 9, 2021
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This is a common occurrence on the website we all love...Urban Dictionary! Urban spamming tends to take place because people get way too butthurt that their "funny" definition of iDubbbz keeps getting rejected! Urban Spammers tend to keep remaking the same definition and immediately going to the votes to upvote their definition so they have a large definition glossary.
Ashton: "How did this definition get on this?! It's HORRIBLE!"
Joey: "I don't know. Urban Spammer? 'Are you sure about that?' is pretty dang straightforward!"
by MemesNotMorons February 9, 2017
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