I went to meat section’s house last night to take a crap. I knew she wasn’t going to suck it so I didn’t bother turning on the shower.
by teabagger April 3, 2003
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The act of harassing members of your section in marching band either sexually, racially, by grade level, or just plainly being annoying.
"Hey you stupid freshmen, stay in step"
"Wow, <insert name here> are hot, do you want to play with my skin flute?" These are some examples of sectional harassment.
by j4991 November 11, 2011
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The section of the marching band that hates everyone in that section. We also are the loudest, and talk when we aren't supposed to. We are lazy and make crude jokes. Even the section leader acts like the rest of the trumpets.
That trumpet section can never shut up when we are learning out drill spots
by MarchingBandKid January 14, 2016
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Only the most incredible section for bands in the universe!!!
Omg... The trumpet section is so amazing like wtf
by ZE Burrito July 16, 2016
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The Flute Section is usually filled with girls with a few guys. Usually loud, outgoing, and obnoxious. Band directors tend to not like them but they dont care. Flute Sections usually have a high population of LGBTQ+ people. All girls in the flute section are somewhat hot and all FREAKING FABULOUS.

Flute 2: You have a flute. Use it.
Flute 3: Guys, im gay.
All Female Flutes: We know.
All Flutes: God I love the Flute Section.
by FireDuckDefinitions July 27, 2017
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An asshat customer standing at the counter of your place of business who drums their fingers, jingles their keys, and/or otherwise taps on the counter to indicate 1) their asshat presence, or 2) their asshat impatience, or 3) their asshat importance. Generally accompanied by asshattery.
"Hey Trish, can you go check on the percussion section over by the cash register?"
by reapre May 19, 2010
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