Where they nerf the champion, nerf it again, nerf the item and then leave the champion untouched with no compensation buffs.
/u/nghoitong: "Riot nerfed Elise ms by 5 when Runic Echoes were introduced with 10%ms back in 6.2 patch. Now that Runic Echoes doesn't give ms anymore. They are still not buffing her ms back."
/u/Kevin_MK: "The Riot Special."
by Sky7934 June 1, 2018
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An act where a man or woman takes a massive shit that stretches their butthole, then gets ass fucked directly after leaving you sore and unable to walk.
Person 1: Why are you walking so funny today?
Person 2: I had a Rectal Riot last night.
by bordman24 September 12, 2010
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one that acts odd but in a unique way,to be short,to be wickedly awesome!
If you love paramore your known as a sami riot.
If you have a new obbesion everyweek your being a sami riot.
If you can't spell obbesion also a sami riot.
Hey that new kid is weird and odd heard she likes paramore a lot.
Ohh so she's a sami riot!
by shaaniqwa April 5, 2008
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To 'do a ria riot' would meen to pretend to be drunk, street rat in a dirty town filled with pikeys, talk like an intoxicated 4 year old all the time, not be capable of constructing proper senteces, often missing out words making you sound foreign. Also, a classic ria riot trait would be to take about 300 pictures with people, even if you only meet them once or are only with them for a maximum of five minutes, this is so as to pretend to myspace that you do have real friends away from the internet, when in actual fact, you don't.

Ria riot & Amber Amaze, some of the only children remaining still trying desperately to revive scene couture, trash and alliterative myspace names.
girl - "I beg we do a ria riot tonight"
boy - "Cotch in a park with bare pikeys pretending to be high and filming ourselves making food have sex, no thanks"
girl - "Why not?"
boy - "Coz I ain't a greeb"
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1. a person who appears to be solemn and calm in public, yet really lets loose and gets wild during afterhours or while alone with one person, like a lover.

2. a glam metal band that scored big in the 80s. Their first international album "Metal Health" made it to the top of the album chart in the autumn of 1983. It is the first heavy metal album to top the chart. Also, "Cum On Feel the Noize" ( a Slade cover), "Bang Your Head (Metal Health)", "Slick Black Cadillac", "Run for Cover" and more from that album were hits. Other hits the band scored were "Mama Weer All Crazee Now", "Party All Night", "Stomp Your Hands, Clap Your Feet", "Condition Critical", the funk-inflected "The Wild and the Young" and a lot more. Singer Kevin DuBrow was found dead this week, as of yet no information has been released about his death. Heavy metal underwent a further step in it's evolution in the 80s when the vocals became more screamed, a tendency that was spearheaded by bands like AC/DC and Def Leppard, and Kevin was more than fit for the job - he could belt them out with the best of them. He was notorious for his wild antics on stage. At a 2000 concert in Columbus, Ohio he talked about glam metal's glory days in the fun 80s and how the music scene changed in the "fucking PC 90s" (his exact words). He made the band what it was. He was 52. RIP Kevin. Rest your head, weer really are all crazee now. VIVA ROCK'N'ROLL!
1. Mike acted like an introvert in class, but after school he dropped LSD into his soft drink and made out with and screwed his girlfriend underneath the bleachers. He was a complete quiet riot. Very few people knew of this.

2. When Quiet Riot played live in concert they were anything but quiet. You could do what their signature song says - bang your head. Quiet Riot ROCKs!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 29, 2007
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Various forms of media that show people rioting, protesting, or striking that is watched for enjoyment value. Usually involves excessive police force and brutality.
I wanted to go to bed at a reasonable hour but stayed up till 3 AM watching riot porn on youtube.
by Paios September 26, 2011
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A literal cinnamon roll who can and will kill you if you offend his angry Pomeranian. So don’t.
Wow that guy is so manly he must be red riot!
by Weeboroki May 25, 2020
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