To fish trout fisheries at night to avoid paying, have a drink, a fire and fish how you like.

Also trout are also usually more active at night at fisheries so the results can be awesome !
Guy A - Poaching trout is a great laugh

Guy B - I know right !
by Allan Hunter August 1, 2011
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Occurs when you’ve laid all the ground work to hook up with a chick, and a friend swoops in to steef that chick while you’re in the bathroom.
He's a cool dude, but you have to watch him on the beaver poaching.
by harlan50 March 20, 2009
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When you tell a joke to someone and then that person tells another person the same joke you just told them. The less time between the first telling of the joke and the second the worse it is.
Merrick- why did the turkey cross the road?
Wyatt- I don't know
Merrick- To prove he wasn't chicken!
(Ethan Enters)
Wyatt- why did the turkey cross the road?
(Wyatt is a joke poacher)
by merrick d August 8, 2008
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The act, usually committed on facebook, of adding a friend of your friend, whom you have never previously met or come into contact with. Upon acceptance, the friend poacher usually makes over exuberantly friendly and all too awkward comments on his new "friend's" statuses.
dude 1: Hey, it says that we have (insert name) as a mutual friend, how do you know him????

dude 2: ... uhh...

dude 1: dude have you been friend poaching???? Stop poaching my friends bro.
by TRL0 November 9, 2009
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when a roommate hears your alarm and races to the bathroom to be the first one in the shower.
Yo, I'm totally late cuz B did his alarm poach this morning and stole all the hot water like a bitch.
by 9-milli March 30, 2006
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In the swinging community, when a couple attempts to coax the female portion of another couple into sexual relations without the consent or knowledge of the male portion of the other couple. This is sometimes refered to as back door unicorn hunting.

Note that this is different from testing the waters, as in the swinging community the female portion is often approached first to see if the couple as a whole is interested in play. In wife poaching there is often a shady element involved where the husband is intentionally excluded by the initiating couple.
John when to the bathroom at the swingers club only to find out that when he returned, a wife poaching couple swooped in and tried to make his wife a cuckcake.
by Axalotal acid July 3, 2023
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The act of pulling out the coffee pot in mid-brew and letting it drip into your cup. This is a common office foul that either dilutes the entire batch of coffee for the rest of the office or caused it to be much more robust.
Kevin's been coffee poaching again. This batch taste watered down!
by twowheler1300 January 24, 2011
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