The largest of all the sausages in the world, far superior to the donger
Wow that guy is so hot I bet he has a Peruvian sausage.

I wish I had a peruvian sausage!
by SAFTB November 28, 2016
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is when there is 3 or more females stacked on top of one an other bending at the waist is such a way that all of the rear ends align with one an other making a slight resemblance to a Peruvian flute
oh man you see that group of sexy bitches over there I sure would love to Peruvian flute them
by maximus9000 November 18, 2017
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When a very respectable woman puts many ice cubes in her mouth and gives a BJ on a hot summer day.
Did she give you a Peruvian Popsicle?
by Checter November 5, 2009
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The act of eating a sunnyside-up fried egg out of a hairy asshole while receiving a handjob from that person while eating a plate of Ceviche.. There is an alternate form of this known as Peruvian Sunset.
Man, I was so wasted last night I finally convinced her to experience a Peruvian sunrise.
by Juan Velasco Alvarado May 6, 2009
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A variation of a blumpkin that begins in a pumpkin patch. You and your girl go to find an appropriate pumpkin for your carving pleasure. Once you get a decent pumpkin you bring it home and begin to carve it out with your girl. The most important thing to remember is to eat all of the pumpkin seeds as you are carving, but you do not let your girl eat any (you can wash it down with some alcohol if you desire). After an hour of carving and eating seeds you should begin to get a feeling of uneasiness in your stomach. It is extremely important to carve a mouth in your pumpkin. You then must start to woo your girl and you two start going at it. Then she begins to take off your pants and you sit on the carved out pumpkin. She starts giving you head and you have to let your bowels free in the pumpkin (hence the blumpkin relation). Right before busting in your girls mouth you get up and bust into the pumpkins carved out mouth. Following that you finish it off by smashing the shit and cum full pumpkin on your girls head.
South: "What did you do last night?"
Me:"Yo man I had one hell of a night last night; me and my girl went to the pumpkin patch and we got shit nasty on a bag of wine and pumpkin seeds."
South: "How did it end?"
Me: "Like it always does man with a peruvian plumpkin!!"
South: "Damn man thats great, ever see Accepted?"
by BadAssBA February 19, 2007
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When you are performing the batwing," a bull rushes you, and gores you in the testicles. You are left with a large hole in your nut bag.
Jake: "Wow! You have an insane Peruvian Piercing."

Dan: "Yeah, I batwinged when I should have goated..."

Jake: "Ooh, if you batwing when you should goat, youre not gonna have a good time..."
by HandlessHoudiniFan August 21, 2009
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A long held ritual and common cultural practice found in the andes mountains of peru. In this act of sexual degradation the male partner bends over his female counterpart and inserts his penis in between her butt cheeks much like a hot dog. (Note* It is important for the male to be worked up for he must be ready to ejaculate instantaneously). Once this position is set, the man then punches the woman beneath him in the stomach and makes her fart. The force created by her farting is said to release the ultimate male satisfaction.
My girlfriend dumped me because I asked her if I could perform a peruvian mudslide.
by Prichar August 17, 2006
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