when you empty your shitube and your turds feel like they are made of stone. They often look like rabbit feces.
I ate johns nebble pebbles on a dare
by ugh2 April 21, 2017
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A cereal for ghetto, black people. Looks like Fruity Pebbles but with ghetto shapes in it.
Bob: Hey dude, have you tried that new cereal Ghetto Pebbles?
Billy: No. Is it any good?
Bob: Hell yeah! I feel so ghetto and black when I eat it though!
by ScaryPizzaVagina May 13, 2010
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1) The building practice of splashing decrotive gravel on wet concrete walls

2) the shitting practice of leaving a decrotive pattern of skidmarks on the back of the toilet bowl,usualy after a diet of weed,beer and chocolate

3)A collection of cindy crawfords
Clean that after you fuckhead!!
That crapper has more skidmarks than a formula 1 race track!
by shitty Nicko November 17, 2004
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I was changing my little brothers diaper and it was full of pooty pebbles.
by KrispyPickel October 7, 2007
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oom pebble: meaning one would ask someone if they got any ish/dope / cheese etc
Hey dog you got any oom pebble or you out ????
by k187c December 29, 2021
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That incessant little pebble which manages to find It's way underneath your skateboard wheel, which typically results in sudden stops without alert.
I was haulin' ass downhill and encountered the "devil's pebble"
I was so happy when that douchebag hit a devils pebble, it served him right.
That hill is a mess, it's littered with devils pebbles'-
by Yerbachev November 7, 2018
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