an asian who looks caucasian, rare type of asian usually found in Wisconsin
That yellow lady's skin is so light, I almost thought she was a pang zao!
by makemesomesweetlovn January 26, 2011
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That feeling you get in the nether regions when you feel the need to take a crap. Could be a clenching of the sphincter, or a gurgling of the bowels.
If you don't get to a restroom when you feel the shit pang coming on, you'll be backed up for the rest of the day. Alternatively, "I just felt a shit pang, gotta go drop the kids off at the pool.
by notsidneypoitier October 7, 2009
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To get high off marijuana, usually through smoking, but can be done through ingestion of baked goods, etc.
Me: Yo Jordan! Wanna go ping the pang?

Jordan: Nah man. I'm gonna eat some oatmeal.
by Lestor the Molestor December 22, 2010
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Pang Tong was a very gifted strategic genius that worked for the Shu kingdom. He was turned down by various warlords around the country because of his unusual appearance, one of the more noticable rejections was from Sun Ce, a descision he would later regret. He came across his old friend and workmate, Zhuge Liang who offered him a promising position in his kingdom by asking him to send a letter to his master, Liu Bei. Upon reaching the kingdom Pang Tong had a conversation wit Liu Bei, but chose to withdraw Zhuge Liangs letter. Pang Tong was immediatley put as a prefect in a region of the Shu kingdom that he was overqualified for. When Liu Bei heard of Pang Tongs unusual actions in the region he went personally to deal with him. Upon reaching the fort where Pang Tong resided he said, "I do not wish to be given a job without having to work for it". This impressed Liu Bei very much and Pang Tong showed Liu Bei the letter. Pang Tong was immediatley put sharing the same position as his friend Zhuge Liand and lead many victories together
It was Pang Tong who decided to chain Weis fleet together and sealing their fate.
by Crimson February 16, 2004
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The feeling you get inside of you when you miss someone like crazy and you want to be with them at that moment.
Guy - "I miss my baby soo much and I'm going to go crazy if I don't see her soon."
Friend - "Yo guy, that's just a love pang."
by Cupcake231 January 2, 2008
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The one teacher who is both a chad and the most skilled at Rock Paper Scissors
Person 1: have you heard of how much of a mr pang Ethan is
Person 2: yea he is so chad and very sexy
by Disciple of simonism June 27, 2022
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